Monday, January 2, 2017




You can have all the money you want as soon as
you realize it's not needed to be happy. " 

NOW THAT YOU HAVE asked yourself what you want, and 
investigated some possibilities for generating revenue, how do you 
go about it? It's the details that people get hung up on and can allow 
your fears to balloon to the point that you don't take any action at 
all. There's a great deal of trepidation about whether you should even 
try to attract money when the economy is in a slump. Of course you 
should. What better time is there? A down economy offers openings 
and opportunities that just don't exist when things are booming. 

For example, Hyatt opened its first hotel at Los Angeles Airport 
(LAX) in the late 1950s. The US was going through a major recession 
at the time. Hyatt now has over 365 hotels in 25 countries. Burger 
King and IHOP also began during the same recession. 

One of the major recessions that I experienced myself in the early 
1970s spawned both Lexis-Nexis, the web-based research hub, and 
FedEx. The 2001 recession saw the debut of Wikipedia and Internet 
giants Google and PayPal. They thrived during this time. Don't allow 
the media's negativity or the opinions of others to convince you to 
wait for a better time. There is no better time other than now. And if 
you never start, you'll never reap the benefits. 

In order to get from a vague idea of what you want to accomplish, 
you have to set clear goals, and then break those goals into doable 
steps. While this takes time to outline, it will keep you moving forward 
toward your goal and allow you to see when you get distracted or fall 
off the intended path. Some find goal setting a tedious process and it's 
powerful. It forces you to refine every nuance of what you're doing 


The Secret to Attract Money Now! The How: Setting Effective Goals 

and where you're going. Each path is an active choice and clear goals 
make those choices easy. I also find goals to be motivating. You have 
to push yourself. And I know that without really strong goals I tend to 
slack off and do what's easy - rather than striving for more. 

It intrigues me that almost every high achieving individual, 
whether an entrepreneur, CEO, or professional athlete, takes the time 
to make daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and multi-year goals. If all the 
people at the top are doing it, it makes sense that those wanting to 
attract money into their lives would do it without question. Still few of 
them do. There's no way to maintain your long-term vision as well as 
short-term motivation without setting and then tracking your goals. 

By setting clear and well-defined goals, you can evaluate your 
progress and take pride in your accomplishments. You can confirm 
that you're making progress, though it might seem like you're not 
moving much. Achieving written goals also allows you to look back 
and see how far you've come. 


You may have an idea for a business and you may have an idea 
of what you want to accomplish with your additional revenue stream. 
And that's great! Until you have those ideas defined and organized, 
you won't have a clear direction. 

There are good goals and not-so-good goals. There are certain 
elements that good goals have in common. Good goals are: 

Clear and Specifically Defined - In order to be as effective as 
possible, your goals must be clearly defined. This means that instead 
of saying, "I want more money," you write "I want to attract an 
additional $500 per month within six months." You want something 
that you can really Nevillize and attach to emotionally. It's like 
watching a fuzzy video. You can't really get involved at this point as 
it is unclear. Technically, $ 10 is "more money" yet that amount likely 
will not really make a difference in your life. Always be specific and 
focus on that goal. 

Achievable in a Given Time Frame - It's important that you 
put a deadline on your goals. Otherwise, they just remain wishes. 
'Someday' is not a time frame! You want to set a deadline that is 
reasonable and challenging. A time frame with a deadline gives you 
self-imposed deadlines that move you forward, so you're consistently 125 


making progress. A goal without a deadline puts no pressure on you 
to accomplish it. There's also no way to measure your progress. For 
example, if you set a goal to run a marathon, but you don't choose a 
marathon to run in, or a date for its completion, why bother training 
for it? 

Commitment to Steady Progress - This means discipline. That 
can really trip you up. You want to set small tasks each day that get 
you closer to your goal and then commit to doing that task. This is 
progress. If you decide you want to write a book but then don't commit 
to disciplined, steady progress, time passes and you still haven't 
completed the book. This is why you see someone at the family reunion 
who wanted to write a book 20 years ago, but is still 'working on it.' 
In fact, the problem is that they've never really committed to working 
on it. Don't kid yourself that you can set a goal, Nevillize it every day 
and make no progress. Accomplishment requires action - so don't let 
yourself off the hook. Start it, take inspired action and get it done. 

Align your short and long-term goals - This is one I still 
constantly remind myself of. It's easy to get excited and say, "I want 
to write books, do seminars, be a speaker, travel, have an Internet 
business, and anything else." Having too many unfocused goals leads 
you in too many different directions, causing you to spread yourself 
too thin. You only have 24 hours each day, so you must focus on a few 
goals at a time, and then gradually add others. Be sure the daily tasks 
you undertake are working toward something and not just keeping 
you busy. For example, if you want to start an Internet business and 
run around meeting with graphic designers and consultants, but never 
really decide what product or service you are going to sell, then this is 
just busy work that isn't getting you anywhere. Decide what the goals 
are before you take inspired action or you will take part in meaningless 
activity that gets you nowhere. 

Flexibility - Your goals have to be flexible. There will be times you 
completely underestimate the amount of time it takes to accomplish 
something. When that happens, you have to be able to decelerate 
the timeline and still make good progress. Conversely, there will be 
times you set a six-month goal and suddenly it gets done in six weeks! 
That is great! At these times you want to accelerate your goals. Keep 
pushing yourself. 


The Secret to Attract Money Now! The How: Setting Effective Goals 

Please never confuse goals and tasks. Goals are the big targets and 
tasks are the stepping stones to accomplishing your goals. For example, 
if your goal is to develop a set of workout DVDs, then checking out 
production costs quotes with three different companies may be a task. 
Doing small tasks toward your goal each day is important because it 
gives you a sense of control and accomplishment. 

Also, be sure that all the small tasks are working toward the goal. 
It's easy to seem busy and not get anywhere. Write down each activity 
you perform and evaluate it on a weekly basis. You'll see if you're 
spending too much time on things that are not important. 


You are only one person, with big dreams and only so much time 
each day. How do you decide which goals are the most important and 
which ones should be put on hold? There is an effective, easy way to 
sort your goals and decide which ones go where on your priority list. 
Write a list of your top 30 goals. Yes, 30 is a lot for some people. But in 
order to get to the good ones, you have to write them all down. 

Once you have 30, go through them and take out the 10 that are 
the least important. Set those aside and put them in Group 3. Now 
look at the 20 you have left and remove the 10 that are the next least 
important. They are Group 2. Now you're down to 10 goals - the ones 
you believe are the most important. These are Group 1 goals. 

The way to prioritize these 10 is to take a few minutes, close your 
eyes and focus on each goal one-by-one. Which goal produces the 
biggest emotional connection? It goes first. Go down the list and rank 
them in the order of your emotional connection, with the deepest 
emotional connection at the top and the weakest at the bottom. 

These are the 10 goals you should be working on. You may 
be glancing over at some of your Group 2 or Group 3 goals and be 
tempted to start on them. You're likely tempted, because they are 
easier or faster to accomplish. They would take away time that you 
need to accomplish tasks toward the goals most important to you. 

Anytime you question which goal or project needs to take 
precedence, just stop for a few minutes and ask yourself which one 
has the strongest positive emotional connection. This will give you 
the answer. Then it's your responsibility to take inspired action on it. 



Everyone needs both short and long-term goals. The long-term 
goals are your overall objectives and usually have a time line of five years 
or more. Short-term goals align with those long-term goals - meaning 
that they play a part in getting to that big overall goal but they have 
a much shorter time line. Usually six months to a year. Tasks are the 
weekly or daily steps you take to accomplish your short-term goals. 

You may be wondering, "Why not just make the big long-term 
goals and do away with all these short-term goals?" Individuals 
perform better with regular and consistent reinforcement. As you 
track your progress, and see how many short-term goals you've 
accomplished, it makes the long-term goals seem that much closer 
and easier to reach. 

Long-term goals have a very important function as well. In 
addition to giving you an overall direction, they also provide a focal 
point when times get hard or you suffer setbacks. Focusing on the long- 
term goal and being able to see the big picture, can get you through 
those times when it would be easy to quit. It allows you to see your 
situation as temporary and gives you the will to search for solutions. 
As you overcome each difficulty it builds the confidence you'll need to 
push on toward that long-term goal. 

Now comes the fun part. You get to put the short and long-term 
goals together to get the best results. Let me give you a couple of 
examples to illustrate this. 


Mark teaches math at a local high school. Eventually he wants to 
create a home-based learning system for kids that will improve their 
math skills. He wants to earn more money and become financially free so 
he can quit his regular teaching job and tutor those kids who need help. 
When Mark imagines these goals, he has the most emotional connection 
to financial freedom. So for Mark, his goals might look like this: 

Long-term Goal: Replace income and quit job. 

A. Short-term Goals Related to Long-Term Goal 

1. Start Tutoring 

2. Create Math Home Study Courses 

1. Weekly tasks related to short-term goal 

1. Post notices on school billboards advertising math 
tutoring services 


The Secret to Attract Money Now! The How: Setting Effective Goals 

2. Speak with teachers and school counselors one- 
on-one and let them know Mark is offering math 

2. Weekly tasks related to short-term goal 

1. Define age groups that will be benefit from 
home study 

2. List content for curriculum 

You can see how the long-term and short-term goals are 
interrelated. They're not separate but support each other. Now let's 
look at another example. 


Lydia has a successful yoga studio. She feels she has a winning 
formula that can be resold as a franchise and duplicated across the 
country. Lydia wants to increase her public profile and position herself 
as an expert, so she can increase the value of her brand as well as the 

Long-term Goal: Have a national franchise of yoga studios across 
the country. 

A. Short-term Goals Related to Long-term Goal 

1. Write a book positioning Lydia as a yoga expert 

2. Create beginner, intermediate and advanced DVDs 
to sell via infomercials, allowing her to make her yoga 
brand a household name 

1. Weekly tasks related to the short-term goal 

1. Consult with a writer and organize information 
into an outline 

2. Set aside a minimum of 45 minutes a day, three 
times per week to create content 

2. Weekly tasks related to the short-term goal 

1. Investigate production costs for DVDs 

2. Determine the applicable routines to produce for 
the beginner DVD 

People spend hours, days and even weeks getting hung up on 
trying to figure out how to get started achieving their dreams. It's 
really logical. If you use the information in this chapter, you'll have a 129 


very easy, workable plan without hours or days of tedious indecision. 
Decide what you need to do and then start doing it. 

I find the goal setting process to be very motivating. In order to 
sustain that motivation, you have to select goals that are within your 
realm of control and a realistic timetable. What does this mean? Let's 
say you decide that you want to make a million dollars and have your 
own reality show within a year. While you may be able to accomplish 
both of these goals in the long term - attempting to complete them 
within a year may be unrealistic. You have to have certain skills to 
accomplish both of these goals. 

Just like it's unrealistic to think you can lose 50 pounds in a 
month and keep it off over the long term - it's also unrealistic to think 
you can make one million dollars in a year in an Internet business 
without any experience. You have to put in the time and effort to 
learn the business and it will pay off for you in the end. 

Planning and thinking about your goals is never a waste of your 
time. After all, knowing what not to do is almost as important as 
knowing what to do. By doing your homework, and learning from 
experienced mentors, you'll avoid the pitfalls and mistakes of others. 
Every setback you avoid is time saved toward achieving your long- 
term goal. 

Many obstacles may get in your way as you strive to reach your 
goals. That's called Life. But by studying where you want to go and 
how you're going to get there, you'll have a clear path which will help 
you avoid problems. 

The flip side of setting unrealistic goals is to set goals that are 
too low. Something that is easily attainable, but does not qualify as 
a goal. Don't underestimate yourself or discount your skills. You'll 
become bored with a goal too easy to reach. You'll lose interest. You 
need something that engages you and challenges you. 

Pick goals that challenge you professionally, mentally and even 
spiritually. Go for ideas that make you stretch your possibilities and 
require a high level of creativity and energy. You'll never achieve great 
things without pushing yourself. Goals that don't push you, move 
you sideways, not forward. They don't get you out of your comfort 
zone or force you to learn new and difficult lessons. It takes two key 
factors to reach any goal, seriousness and flexibility. 

Being serious about a goal means that you take the necessary 
steps, whatever those may be, to achieve it. You're giving yourself 
self-imposed deadlines for specific tasks and evaluating your own 


The Secret to Attract Money Now! The How: Setting Effective Goals 

progress. Then you develop the next set of strategic tasks to move 
forward. The first step, if you're serious, is to write down your goal. 
The second step is to announce it publicly. This may seem like you're 
giving those around you the opportunity to ridicule you in advance. 
And some may. By first writing your goal down and then announcing 
it, it provides additional motivation, since you know people will be 
asking about your progress. This gives you accountability to yourself, 
as well as others. 

You've probably heard people close to you announce their plans. 
How did they do it? Did they say, "I'm going to lose 50 pounds and 
run a 10K by this time next year," or did they say something like, 
"After the holidays I'm going to lose weight and then I'll be able to do 
what I want?" 

If you heard someone make the first statement, you would 
assume they're serious and committed to their goals. However, 
if you heard the second statement, you'd wonder how serious they 
were, or if this is just a hope of theirs that they don't really plan to 
work toward. This person, instead of setting a goal and being willing 
to work hard to get what they want, is content to just wish and 
get nowhere. Procrastination is not your friend. If you're thinking 
that you will start working toward your goals after the holidays, 
on your birthday, or after such and such happens, you are just 
deluding yourself. Every day you wait is a day wasted. You don't get 
it back and you don't get to try again. The day is gone forever. So 
get busy! 

The second key factor to reaching your goal is flexibility. This 
does not mean giving yourself a break and being lazy. This means 
using creativity to overcome obstacles and listening to feedback. This 
will help you fine tune your goals as you go. You must have the ability 
to step back on a regular basis (I recommend at least monthly) and 
evaluate your progress. What worked? What didn't? What changes are 
you going to make in your strategy and task list next month? 

Goal planning involves risk. That could mean risking a wrong 
move, bad decision or even a major setback. It also means that you 
must be adaptable to changing circumstances. You must still juggle 
work, family and bills in addition to striving toward your long-term 
goals. There are times when certain goals will take a backseat to others, 
but all of these instances give you the opportunity to be creative, and 
perhaps even come up with another opportunity that fits into your 
long-term goals. 131 


Feedback is important because no matter how well you've 
researched or planned, there may be some areas that you've overlooked 
or are unaware of. You may also lose your perspective from time to 
time and be unable to correctly assess your own efforts. At those times 
a wise or experienced friend or family member can help you get back 
on track. 

Mentors and mastermind partners who are aware of your goals 
will also be able to offer encouragement. Talk to them about where 
you are on the path to your goals, what progress you've made and 
what problems you've encountered. They may be able to offer you 
some good suggestions or solutions. And always consider using a 
coach, maybe one from my own Miracles Coaching program. 

There are times when you have doubts and these can be 
compounded by family and friends who may be telling you everything 
you can't do and discouraging you from moving forward. You have 
to remember to focus on your plan. This means not letting negative 
emotions get the best of you to the point you 'try to prove everyone 
wrong.' While harsh comments may motivate you to strive toward 
your goal, they may also lead you into the pit of self-sabotage. When 
you allow others to affect your plan, you may try to accelerate it to 
prove something. You can end up with less than you started. 

You must guard yourself against this kind of reaction. Stick to 
your plan and avoid the traps. Keep your avenues open to receiving 
everything available. Build on what you have. Learn from each lesson 
as you make consistent progress. One of Newton's laws of physics is 
that 'An object in motion stays in motion, while an object at rest stays 
at rest.' The same is true for the human mind. If you feel in control and 
like you're making progress, then it is easier to keep going. However, 
if you feel out of control and come to a stop, then it takes even more 
effort to get going again. 

Nobody navigates this perfectly. That's okay. You don't need to 
be perfect, just committed to having an open heart to receive and 
you'll be given what you need to make your dreams comes true. Keep 
your awareness open so you can see the changes you need to make 
and take inspired action to make them. Wealthy people know that 
goals can be changed as new information comes in. Be flexible while 
keeping your eye on the prize. 

Remember, the super bonus secret to attract money 
now is to have goals that inspire you and thrill you. 


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