Wednesday, February 8, 2017



Our bodies require a balance of food, exercise, rest and water. This book will cover the proper foods required and why. It will explain the importance of exercise and rest to the body and brain. It will also explain the importance of drinking eight 8 ounce glasses of plain water each day and the amount of salt required and why.

This book will explain how an out-of-balanced body can cause diseases like alzheimers, arthritis, asthma, diabetes and back pain, as well as Parkinson’s, cancer, heartburn, osteoporosis, lupus, strokes, high blood pressure and heart disease.


When we get hungry, we eat food, thinking it will give us energy and supply the body with the vitamins and minerals required.

Our problem today is time. Because of precious time, many farmers are using chemicals on crops to meet the demand for food and to keep the price down. Many cattle ranchers and chicken farmers feed their animals chemicals to quicken their growth and weight.

Because of precious time, many of us have turned to fast food, like a canned breakfast drink or a breakfast power bar, or a quick stop at a fast food drive-thru window, or we just skip breakfast for a cup of coffee or a soda, not realizing that our bodies are not getting a balance of the proper foods required. We are turning to food loaded with chemicals, unaware of the outcome.

The main chemical used today is caffeine. Caffeine is a chemical (drug) found in plants to stop many animals from eating the fruit or plants itself. Caffeine will make most animals sick, and if they continue to eat foods with caffeine, it will kill them.

Chocolate has caffeine and theobromine, which acts like caffeine. A little caffeine every once in awhile will not hurt anyone. But today many of us are running on caffeine. The problem with caffeine is that it robs our bodies of vitamins, minerals and energy. When you get scared, the brain stimulates the release of stored energy to respond to the emergency. Caffeine causes the body to keep releasing stored energy. What happens, in short, is the body uses up all the stored energy it has. Then it is forced to cannibalize itself. The body borrows what it needs from the bones or liver, muscles and other organs.

Many years down the road, because we didn’t put back what we borrowed from the body, our bodies start to fail and we call it disease.

Good health is a balance of foods, exercise, rest and water. I will give you an example of how to rebalance the body while still eating fast food you can buy anywhere.

The body needs proteins, fats, fruits, and vegetables every day.

Protein should be balanced with amino acids. Amino acids are very important to the brain, liver and muscles. Good sources are seeds and nuts such as cashews, almonds, pecans, walnuts, brazil nuts, sun flower seeds, etc.

All beans and eggs are also excellent sources of protein with amino acids. Seeds, beans and eggs all reproduce. An egg is a perfect food in the wild. That’s why all animals eat other animals eggs. Cheeses and cottage cheese (4%) are also good sources of protein with amino acids. Red meat, chicken and fish are all excellent sources of protein with amino acids, except it has to be a fresh kill. After the second day, the amino acids are no longer balanced with protein. Once the animal or fish is killed, the amino acids start to break down the protein. That’s what makes meat go bad (spoil). Freezing meat is not the answer to this problem. Most animals in the wild only eat a live kill.

Many years ago in America, butchers were real butchers. They would kill the animal out back of the mom and pop grocery store or three to five miles away at a local farm. Shortly after the end of World War II, America got into the “fast mode.”

Many families started buying things on credit. Mothers started working part-time, then full-time. That created the fast food market of frozen foods, TV dinners, meals in boxes (Just microwave!), fast food drive-thru windows, etc.

Few mothers today prepare a meal from garden fresh vegetables or use farm fresh eggs or get meat that was killed fresh. If you don’t get enough amino acids, then the body is forced to borrow them from the liver for the brain. And when the liver is running short, it then borrows amino acids from the muscles.

Every day I suggest you eat at least one of the following items listed to get your amino acids with protein. (Amino acids in pull or capsule form are not balanced with protein. Eat: two eggs or more, any style beans (white, red, pinto, navy, etc.), eight ounces or more cottage cheese (4%) [one scoop (8-10 ounces) or more], one or two handfuls of any kind of nuts, 10-12 ounces or more of yogurt with real sugar and fruit (no artificial sugar, flavoring, additives or dyes).

Good fats are in eggs, cottage cheese, real butter, whole cheese, nuts, seeds, fish and some oils like olive, canola, sesame and flaxseed. Good fats remain liquid at room temperature and are better known as Omega 3 and Omega 6. Our body needs 6 to 9 grams every day. I suggest you take four capsules of flaxseed oil every day – two for breakfast and two at dinner. Each capsule is 1 gram or 1000 mL. Our brains, nerves and eyes need these fatty acids to stay healthy.

Fresh fruit is also very important. Fruit is loaded with natural sugar.

Fructose is needed by the body. Fruit also contains potassium, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Fresh vegetables also supply the body with important vitamins plus beta carotene, minerals and anti-oxidants and some proteins. The most important vegetables are the dark green ones because dark green is chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is magnesium to the body and in this form, the body can use 100% of the magnesium. Plus, dark green vegetables are loaded with calcium and in this form the body can also use 100% of the calcium. Magnesium and calcium are as important to the body as oxygen, water, protein and amino acids. If our bodies don’t get enough magnesium and calcium in the right form, then our bodies are forced to borrow them from the bones where blood cells are made. Nobody wants soft or weak bones. Everyone knows most animals eat dark green plants. Even dogs and cats eat grass for the chlorophyll.

I suggest you take a good multivitamin/mineral supplement every day to make up for the vitamins and minerals that may be lacking in your food because of the soil. When food grows, it pulls the minerals out of the soil. If the minerals are not put back into the soil before the next planting, the food growing will be lacking minerals and vitamins. We have no way of knowing this unless we buy our food from a local farmer who uses animal fertilizer on his soil. You can tell it is animal fertilizer because of the smell. Fertilizer is very important to a farmer. That’s why farmers have different animals. Each animal has a different mineral content in its fertilizer. A farmer would mix cow, chicken, pig and/or horse manure for the soil to maintain the proper minerals for the food being grown.

If the pH of the soil became too acid, the farmer would add a lime or Epsom salts to the soil. If the soil became too alkaline, he would add sulfur to the soil.

pH is a measurement of how acid or alkaline (not acid) something is. 7.0 on the pH scale is neutral – not acid, not alkaline (zero). Less than 7.0 is acid. Greater than 7.0 is alkaline.

Acid ... pH6.0          -          pH6.5                      (Neutral)pH7.0                    pH7.5          -           pH8.0...Alkaline       

Just as farmers have to maintain a certain pH of the soil for plants to grow, our bodies must maintain a pH of 7.3 to 7.4 to stay healthy. Cancer grows and lives in an acid condition. To maintain a pH of 7.3 to 7.4, we need to eat a balance of different foods and beware of what we drink. Most fruits and vegetables are alkaline, whereas meats and fruits are acid. When it comes to beverages, we are really in trouble. Let’s look at soda pop. It’s full of little bubbles that are Carbon Dioxide (CO2). Carbon Dioxide is what exhale (breathe out) and it is acid. So when we drink a glass of soda pop, we are drinking thousands of exhales (CO2) that make the blood very acid. Our bodies get rid of acid pH through breathing out (exhaling). Other ways are through going to the bathroom (urinating), or by eating alkaline foods or drinking alkaline drinks. Otherwise, our body borrows important nutrients from our bones and liver to neutralize the acid when we don’t put back what we borrowed from the body. Then our body starts to fail and we call it sickness and disease.

People check swimming pools for pH and add a buffer to neutralize the pH. Our body does the same thing, so it is best if we eat a balance of acid and alkaline foods and drink beverages that also maintain this balance.

There will be a whole chapter on pH acid-alkaline balance listing different foods with their pH numbers. It will also explain how simple it is for you to check you pH and where to go to get the pH strips at a very low price.

 pH strips: 80 test strips (range 4.5 to 9.0) cost $8 in the USD.

I suggest for those of you with little or no extra time at all that when at the grocery store you buy a can or jar of nuts and small cans of fruits and vegetables with pull tops, such as corn, green beans, peas, pineapple slices, and peaces and pairs in heavy syrup. You can get a package of plastic spoons and forks and a roll of paper towels. Buy orange juice, grape juice or apple juice in individual 16 ounce containers. Fresh produce is good, like apples, bananas, grapes, peaches, cherries, plums, oranges, carrots, broccoli, celery and cauliflower. You can buy it already cut up or you can do it at home and put it in a baggie. Buy individual packages of string cheese or sliced cheese and put it in a baggie. Buy a box of crackers and small boxes of raisins, etc.

Hard boil a dozen eggs. Peel two and put them in a baggie, ready to go in the morning. Jump up, grab a bottle of juice, one or two peeled hard boiled eggs, some sliced cheese or cheese sticks, celery, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, olives, pickles, fresh fruits such as apples, pears, bananas, peaches, and grapes and get in the car and go.

Getting Fast Food at a Convenience Store or Drive-Thru Window

You can buy yogurt or real ice cream, refried beans with cheese and onion, chili and beans with saltine crackers, bags of nuts (peanuts, cashews, pecans), apples, oranges, pears, bananas, grapes, celery, carrots, pickles, black olives, cheese sticks and crackers, hard boiled eggs or have an egg omelet or baked potato with chili and beans. Have a mixed green salad, potato salad or coleslaw, ready-to-go cold sandwhich or a hand-made sandwich at a shop is good.


Exercise is one of the keys to good health and staying youthful. Grade school children get recess. In junior high through senior year, you get physical education and many students join the school’s sports teams. Many years ago students would walk or ride a bicycle to school, no bus. After school, students would play sports among themselves. Today very few students have bicycles or walk anywhere. They watch TV or play video games and talk on cell phones. If you don’t stay active (walking, swimming, jogging, golfing) you lose muscle tone, bone density and lung capacity (breathing) drops.

First thing in the morning or when rising from a long rest period, you should do a few sit-ups and knee bends and stretch your arms and legs. Ideally, one should walk two miles morning and night, treadmill or fixed bicycles are okay. When you walk, you create a vacuum in the joints and back discs that sucks water and minerals into the joints and discs.

Many years ago, whole families would walk around the block or park after dinner. Families would play some sort of game such as hide-and-seek, some kind of ball game or kick-the-can. Exercise causes the body to release hormones to keep the body in tune. For example, if you don’t feel like going for a walk, you might go to keep peace with friends or family. But after ten minutes of walking or playing ball, you start to feel great. That’s because these hormones will burn fat, not store it, and keep cholesterol levels balanced. The human body was designed to walk. Exercise also stimulates the brain cells.

Everyone knows that as a child you have lots of energy and could go and go. Anyone has been in the military will tell you they were in the best shape of their lives after basic training because they exercised three times a day and ate three balanced meals a day.

The Japanese realize the importance of exercise for maintaining good health. That’s why they have an exercise program before going to work. They get paid while exercising and the company in return has healthier employees. At Wal-Mart distribution centers (warehouses), employees do exercises before going to work.

I suggest if you’re not doing some form of exercise that you start by walking a little each morning and night, even if it is only 500 feet total – 250 feet out and 250 feet back. Keep increasing the distance. What’s important is the routine (habit). Every day, walk a little and keep increasing until you are up to two miles morning and night. You can walk inside a mall, use a treadmill, or use an exercise bike. I also suggest you start doing a couple sit-ups in bed. It is okay to use a pillow and use your hands to pull you up. You don’t have to touch your toes. Keep trying to increase them to 20 to 25 morning and night. Only do as many sit-ups and knee bends as you are capable of. You can do the knee bends at work before you come home and possibly go for a short walk at break time.

There will be a whole chapter on exercising for those who have special needs such as Multiple Sclerosis.


Proper rest (quiet time) is critical to the body. Our bodies work harder when we are shut down (sleeping) than during our work period. During our sleep, the body takes inventory of supplies it has and starts repairing tissue and recharging our batteries. If damage is really bad and the body needs more time to repair an area, it will give a pain message telling you not to use that part of the body. If we feel that we must use that area, we will take a pain pill. Discomfort or pain is a warning, just like getting a red warning light on the car dash warning you of low fuel, low oil or overheating.

Sometimes we can’t even get out of bed because our body is busy fighting a sickness with everything it has, so it keeps you in bed or at home doing as little as possible until the battle is won. The body will even tell you to eat a certain food just like a pregnant mother has cravings for different foods. The body knows what it needs. If we would only listen. Sometimes our bodies won’t want food because they are busy fighting sickness and can’t spare the energy and blood required to digest the food or maybe some organs need a rest to make repairs, so our bodies ask us to fast for a day and just drink liquids.

Even our brains need a break once in awhile, like taking a vacation from our daily work routine, a relaxing period away from our busy schedule. If retired, then the brain needs to be stimulated (challenged) once in awhile, like doing crossword puzzles, doing a picture puzzle or playing cards.


Every cell in the body needs water.

Our blood is 94% water.

Our brain is 85% water.

Other tissue is 75% water.

All animals drink plain water. If you watch a cat or dog, it will always drink water and wait approximately half an hour before eating food. The exception is when they receive a treat. They take it and eat it then or eat it later.

This sequence is critical to maintain good health. When you drink plain water and wait a half hour before eating food, the water goes into the stomach and triggers glands to release a chemical (hormone) to coat the lining of the stomach to protect it from the hydrochloric acid that will be released when food is put into the mouth. The water and chemical (hormone) then go into the small intestine where the chemical stays, waiting for the food, which will be coming down later. The free water leaves the small intestine and goes into all the cells of the body to fill them up (hydrate), top them off like watering a garden. After the cells are watered, the remaining water is pumped back into the stomach to water (hydrolyze) the food. Our energy does not come from the food we eat, but comes from the water that puts the hydrogen (atom) in the food. We run on hydrogen. The food we eat gives the vitamins and minerals we need to stay healthy. If you don’t drink plain water (1 or 2 glasses) before eating food (waiting 15 to 30 minutes), then the body must borrow the water from itself. If it borrows water from the blood, then the arteries must draw up (constrict) and the heart must pump harder to pump the thicker blood. We call it high blood pressure. If the body borrows the water from the brain, you get a dull headache or a headache that can turn into a migraine. If you drink alcohol and it pulls water out of the brain, you get a hangover headache. People who live in cold countries put alcohol in their gas tank to pull the water out of the gas so it won’t freeze.

Wherever the body borrows the water from, it compromises that organ or tissue, causing pain or an abnormal function like constipation. Constipation is when the body pulls the water out of the small intestine and colon, causing the body waste to stick to the walls of the intestine and colon. When your stool is moist, it slides out with no effort.

When we breathe out (exhale), we lose water. If you blow on a mirror or glass window, you see the moisture (fog). When the body borrows water from the lungs, you may get shortness of breath, leading to asthma and other breathing problems.

The lungs and heart are very close to each other so if the body pulls some water from the heart (muscle), you may get angina pain that may, down the road, lead to a heart attack.

Muscles need blood and water during exercise, so if you were to eat food and walk or climb stairs when low on water (dehydrated), you might get shortness of breath, have an asthma attack, get angina pain or leg cramps. They say never go swimming after eating because you may get muscle cramps.

When in the digestive mode, the body diverts blood from the arms and legs to the intestines to process the food.

Certain foods are easy to digest and are loaded with water, such as fruits and vegetables.

Other beverages (liquids) are not water to the body, like coffee, tea, soda, lemonade and juices. They are food because the tongue senses the additive, not plain water, and the stomach will release hydrochloric acid. The body will process the beverage as food. You will benefit from some of the water, just like in fruits and vegetables, providing the beverage doesn’t contain caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic; it forces water out of the body.

You need half your body weight in ounces of water every day, spaced out throughout the day. Following the sequence, drink water, wait half an hour and eat. 2 – 2 ½ hours after eating, you drink the water to complete the digestive process. Any time you’re thirsty or want water, drink it.


The world salary comes from salt. Salt, at one time, had the same value as gold. Roman soldiers were partly paid with salt. An old saying was “worth your weight in salt.” Long ago, when a baby was born, you would cut and tie the umbilical cord and put water and salt on the baby’s bellybutton. The salt would stop the bleeding, preventing infection, and heal the skin. In early America, when slaves were shipped, they would put water and salt on their wounds. It would heal and prevent infection. Sure, it hurt, but it worked.

Alcohol hurts just like salt does on an open wound.

Our brain is 85% water and in encased in a sack of salt water. Our spine is also encased in salt water. A baby is in a sack of salt water for nine months. The salt comes from the mother’s bones and needs to be replaced.

Salt is sodium chloride. It is a compound of sodium, a positive charged atom, and chloride, a negative charged atom. The two are balanced. Sodium is a metal and too much sodium is not good for us. But salt (sodium chloride) is critical for maintaining good health when balanced with the right amount of water to salt.

Our brain needs a constant fresh supply of salt and water every day. Our stomach takes the chloride and makes hydrochloric acid to mix with the food we eat so we can utilize the vitamins and minerals in our food.

The pancreas takes the sodium and makes a bicarbonate to neutralize the hydrochloric acid after it has done its job. Salt is required for every cell in the body to maintain a balance of water inside the cell and outside the cell. Salt is required to cause a flow (draw) in generating electricity. It is then storied in batters called ATPs and GTPs. Water and salt are critical for nerve cell communication. Salt is vital for the intestinal tract. Salt is vital for heating and cooling the body (sweat is salty). Muscle cramps can be a lack of salt. Salt is what makes our bones hard – not calcium, but salt.

Our body borrows salt from our bones when we don’t get enough. Our tears are salty. Our blood is salty. Remember, sodium is not salt. It is a metal, not good for us. Sodium is used in processed foods today to extend the shelf life. Water, salt and oxygen are critical to the human body.

When a person becomes really sick and goes to a hospital, they will be given an IV of saline solution (salt water) and sometimes be put on oxygen and sometimes be given an IV of vitamins and minerals (a ringer) as well as sugar water (glucose or dextrose).

You can prove the importance of water and salt to the human body by drinking one or two glasses of plain water and then putting a pinch of real salt (sodium chloride) on your tongue. You don’t have to swallow the salt, just use a napkin or a cup to dispose of the excess salt.

The water you drank will tell the brain it has lots of water in the system and now the salt on the tongue will tell the brain plenty of salt is coming as well.

The brain will respond by acting like it has plenty of water and salt. The eyes will feel better, possibly the vision will improve 10% to 15% and feel better, not be so dry and scratchy. It will start to clear up the sinuses and congestion in the lungs. There might be an increase in energy (Feel better). The brain will feel sharper. Remember, the brain is 85% water encased in salt water and the spinal cord is also encased in salt water. The blood is 94% water.

Water With Some Salt in It

Sometimes a person might have a pain in their back, warm or leg just go away because of the water and salt. It gets into the blood in just a few minutes and will neutralize the acidic tissue when tissue becomes too acidic from lack of water and salt. It gives us a pain signal telling us to drink some water and take a little salt.

The greatest medical discovery ever made was by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. (They call him Dr. Batman.) He discovered that the human body runs on hydrogen from water and if we don’t drink enough water before we eat food then the body must borrow the water from itself. And wherever it borrows the water from, that is where you will have medical problems down the road. Later on, I will finish this chapter on salt. I will explain all the great things that salt can do according to Dr. Batman.

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